MUCH Circus Festival ‘25
to Apr 6

MUCH Circus Festival ‘25

MUCH Festival 2025
4-6 April 2025

April, spring awakening, circus!

Spring is here and so is the second edition of MUCH Festival, with three full days of contemporary circus productions from the local and international scene. Our goal is to celebrate and connect circus arts with old and new audiences, strengthen professional connections, and initiate conversations. Between 4-6 April, MUCH Festival presents local and international performances, work-in-progress presentations, roundtable discussions, and workshops on diverse circus techniques.


17:00 ROUND TABLE vol 1. - Circus arts education in Hungary (90’)
19:00 SHOW - Angela Kurz (AT): As long as it hurts... (premiere) (30’)
20:00 SHOW - Márton Csuzi (HU): Let it burn! - Spicy things are good for depression (premiere) (30’)

10.00 WORKSHOP - Angie Kurz (AT): Hairhanging (120’) location: INSPIRAL!

14.00 WORKSHOP - Ariane Oechsner (AT): Full body juggling (120’)
17:00 ROUND TABLE vol 2. - The career path of circus artists (90’)
19:00 SHOW - Tom Cassani (UK): Iterations (40’)
20:30 SHOW - OneTwoMany Collective (HU): InThisTogether (60’)

10.00 WORKSHOP - Knot On Hands (NL): Organic partner acrobatics (120’) location: INSPIRAL!

14.00 WORKSHOP - Tom Cassani (UK): Interdisciplinary approach in new magic (120’)
17:00 ROUND TABLE vol 3. - New Magic (90’)
19:00 SHOW - Knot on Hands (NL): Concrete (60’)
20:00 OPEN STAGE with local artists
OPEN CALL available:

MUCH Festival is a collaboration between OneTwoMany Collective new circus company and Trafó House of Contemporary Arts. Inspiral Circus Center provides the venue for the acrobatic workshops.

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Proper Mess

Proper Mess

What happens when chaos and order meet? ProperMess is a playful exploration of the clash between these polar opposites, impersonated by Mr Proper and Miss Mess. 

The result is a high energy and entertaining show that has no shortage of technique but is moved along by humour and most of all playfulness.

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to May 23


We have recieved the EFFEA Grant for our latest creation InThisTogether, that enables us to go on residency to Slovenia, Czechia, Croatia and Serbia during the next year. The show will be accompanied by an audience discussion and a workshop for partner acrobatics and counterweighted aerial acrobatics.

This is an experiment. We have some intentions, but just like you we don’t exactly know what is going to happen. “InThisTogether” is a participatory circus show that relies on the audience in order to happen at all. If you choose to be involved, you will experience the trust, focus and joy that is so intrinsic to circus. And yes, you will share some of the risk and responsibility, too.

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to Jun 1


We have recieved the EFFEA Grant for our latest creation InThisTogether, that enables us to go on residency to Slovenia, Czechia, Croatia and Serbia during the next year. The show will be accompanied by an audience discussion and a workshop for partner acrobatics and counterweighted aerial acrobatics.

This is an experiment. We have some intentions, but just like you we don’t exactly know what is going to happen. “InThisTogether” is a participatory circus show that relies on the audience in order to happen at all. If you choose to be involved, you will experience the trust, focus and joy that is so intrinsic to circus. And yes, you will share some of the risk and responsibility, too.

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Proper Mess
to Jun 15

Proper Mess

What happens when chaos and order meet? ProperMess is a playful exploration of the clash between these polar opposites, impersonated by Mr Proper and Miss Mess. 

The result is a high energy and entertaining show that has no shortage of technique but is moved along by humour and most of all playfulness.

For more infos visit this link.

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Proper Mess

Proper Mess

What happens when chaos and order meet? ProperMess is a playful exploration of the clash between these polar opposites, impersonated by Mr Proper and Miss Mess. 

The result is a high energy and entertaining show that has no shortage of technique but is moved along by humour and most of all playfulness.

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Proper Mess
to Aug 23

Proper Mess

What happens when chaos and order meet? ProperMess is a playful exploration of the clash between these polar opposites, impersonated by Mr Proper and Miss Mess. 

The result is a high energy and entertaining show that has no shortage of technique but is moved along by humour and most of all playfulness.

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Proper Mess
to Sep 7

Proper Mess

What happens when chaos and order meet? ProperMess is a playful exploration of the clash between these polar opposites, impersonated by Mr Proper and Miss Mess. 

The result is a high energy and entertaining show that has no shortage of technique but is moved along by humour and most of all playfulness.

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Akrospheare: Evening of Wonders

Akrospheare: Evening of Wonders

Erlebt pure Magie im zeitgenössischen Zirkus: Das Duo Two Many – Sophie & Lenni – begeistert mit atemberaubender Akrobatik, die Präzision, Kreativität und Emotion verbindet. Ihre dynamischen Hand-to-Hand-Nummern machen sie zu einem echten Highlight der internationalen Zirkusszene!

📅 Evening of Wonders
📍 Orpheum Graz
🕑 25.01.2025 | Vorstellungen: 14:00 & 19:30 Uhr

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Az új év a Trafó számára rendhagyó fordulópontot jelöl: búcsúzik két, az intézmény szempontjából rendkívül meghatározó személyiség, Barda Beáta, ügyvezető igazgató, és Szabó György, a Trafó alapítója. Tőlük a stafétát 2025. januártól Erdődi Katalin, a Trafó új igazgatója, és Böröcz Judit, programvezető veszik át. Az évindító-korszakzáró esemény keretében búcsúrevüvel ünnepeljük és köszönjük meg Beának és Gyurinak a sokéves, fáradhatatlan munkájukat, valamint bemutatkozik a Trafó csapatához csatlakozó Kati és Judit, akik egy performatív híradóval adnak betekintést a jövővel kapcsolatos terveikbe. 

A társulatunk egy performatív akcióval készül az eseményre.

Ingyenes esemény, előzetes regisztrációval. Foglald le a helyed itt: Forróváltás_regisztráció

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Proper Mess

Proper Mess

What happens when chaos and order meet? ProperMess is a playful exploration of the clash between these polar opposites, impersonated by Mr Proper and Miss Mess. 

The result is a high energy and entertaining show that has no shortage of technique but is moved along by humour and most of all playfulness. 

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This is an experiment. We have some intentions, but just like you we don’t exactly know what is going to happen. “InThisTogether” is a participatory circus show that relies on the audience in order to happen at all. If you choose to be involved, you will experience the trust, focus and joy that is so intrinsic to circus. And yes, you will share some of the risk and responsibility, too.

This performance was created in the framework of Staféta program and recieved the EFFEA Grant.

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We have recieved the EFFEA Grant for our latest creation InThisTogether, that enables us to go on residency to Slovenia, Czechia, Croatia and Serbia during the next year. The show will be accompanied by an audience discussion and a workshop for partner acrobatics and counterweighted aerial acrobatics.

This is an experiment. We have some intentions, but just like you we don’t exactly know what is going to happen. “InThisTogether” is a participatory circus show that relies on the audience in order to happen at all. If you choose to be involved, you will experience the trust, focus and joy that is so intrinsic to circus. And yes, you will share some of the risk and responsibility, too.

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This is an experiment. We have some intentions, but just like you we don’t exactly know what is going to happen. “InThisTogether” is a participatory circus show that relies on the audience in order to happen at all. If you choose to be involved, you will experience the trust, focus and joy that is so intrinsic to circus. And yes, you will share some of the risk and responsibility, too.

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This is an experiment. We have some intentions, but just like you we don’t exactly know what is going to happen. “InThisTogether” is a participatory circus show that relies on the audience in order to happen at all. If you choose to be involved, you will experience the trust, focus and joy that is so intrinsic to circus. And yes, you will share some of the risk and responsibility, too.

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Proper Mess
to Sep 22

Proper Mess

What happens when chaos and order meet? ProperMess is a playful exploration of the clash between these polar opposites, impersonated by Mr Proper and Miss Mess. 

The result is a high energy and entertaining show that has no shortage of technique but is moved along by humour and most of all playfulness. 

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We have been invited to Lurupina Festival at Hamburg to present our contemporary circus show Restlesslegs and participate in the Gala Show.

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We have been invited to Lurupina Festival at Hamburg to present our contemporary circus show Restlesslegs and participate in the Gala Show.

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We have been invited to Lurupina Festival at Hamburg to present our contemporary circus show Restlesslegs and participate in the Gala Show.

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We have been invited to Lurupina Festival at Hamburg to present our contemporary circus show Restlesslegs and participate in the Gala Show.

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Proper Mess
to Sep 1

Proper Mess

What happens when chaos and order meet? ProperMess is a playful exploration of the clash between these polar opposites, impersonated by Mr Proper and Miss Mess. 

The result is a high energy and entertaining show that has no shortage of technique but is moved along by humour and most of all playfulness. 

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Proper Mess
to Aug 26

Proper Mess

What happens when chaos and order meet? ProperMess is a playful exploration of the clash between these polar opposites, impersonated by Mr Proper and Miss Mess. 

The result is a high energy and entertaining show that has no shortage of technique but is moved along by humour and most of all playfulness. 

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We have recieved the EFFEA Grant for our latest creation InThisTogether, that enables us to go on residency to Slovenia, Czechia, Croatia and Serbia during the next year. The show will be accompanied by an audience discussion and a workshop for partner acrobatics and counterweighted aerial acrobatics.

This is an experiment. We have some intentions, but just like you we don’t exactly know what is going to happen. “InThisTogether” is a participatory circus show that relies on the audience in order to happen at all. If you choose to be involved, you will experience the trust, focus and joy that is so intrinsic to circus. And yes, you will share some of the risk and responsibility, too.

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You are the Flow

You are the Flow

Parkour, the urban extreme sport that is characterized by acrobatic and choreographed motions, can easily connect to performing art in the broadest sense, theatre or dance. And since the street is its natural medium, viewers are bound to get involved – perhaps even as participants. You are the Flow is a multidisciplinary production, as well as a jam, that relies on the viewer’s active participation.

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Proper Mess

Proper Mess

What happens when chaos and order meet? ProperMess is a playful exploration of the clash between these polar opposites, impersonated by Mr Proper and Miss Mess. 

The result is a high energy and entertaining show that has no shortage of technique but is moved along by humour and most of all playfulness. 

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to Sep 4


We have been invited to Lurupina Festival at Hamburg to present our contemporary circus show Restlesslegs and participate in the Gala Show.

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Proper Mess
to Jul 20

Proper Mess

What happens when chaos and order meet? ProperMess is a playful exploration of the clash between these polar opposites, impersonated by Mr Proper and Miss Mess. 

The result is a high energy and entertaining show that has no shortage of technique but is moved along by humour and most of all playfulness. 

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Proper Mess
to Jul 8

Proper Mess

What happens when chaos and order meet? ProperMess is a playful exploration of the clash between these polar opposites, impersonated by Mr Proper and Miss Mess. 

The result is a high energy and entertaining show that has no shortage of technique but is moved along by humour and most of all playfulness. 

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You are the Flow

You are the Flow

Parkour, the urban extreme sport that is characterized by acrobatic and choreographed motions, can easily connect to performing art in the broadest sense, theatre or dance. And since the street is its natural medium, viewers are bound to get involved – perhaps even as participants. You are the Flow is a multidisciplinary production, as well as a jam, that relies on the viewer’s active participation.

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Proper Mess

Proper Mess

What happens when chaos and order meet? ProperMess is a playful exploration of the clash between these polar opposites, impersonated by Mr Proper and Miss Mess. 

The result is a high energy and entertaining show that has no shortage of technique but is moved along by humour and most of all playfulness. 

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You are the Flow

You are the Flow

Parkour, the urban extreme sport that is characterized by acrobatic and choreographed motions, can easily connect to performing art in the broadest sense, theatre or dance. And since the street is its natural medium, viewers are bound to get involved – perhaps even as participants. You are the Flow is a multidisciplinary production, as well as a jam, that relies on the viewer’s active participation.

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Proper Mess

Proper Mess

What happens when chaos and order meet? ProperMess is a playful exploration of the clash between these polar opposites, impersonated by Mr Proper and Miss Mess. 

The result is a high energy and entertaining show that has no shortage of technique but is moved along by humour and most of all playfulness. 

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We have recieved the EFFEA Grant for our latest creation InThisTogether, that enables us to go on residency to Slovenia, Czechia, Croatia and Serbia during the next year. The show will be accompanied by an audience discussion and a workshop for partner acrobatics and counterweighted aerial acrobatics.

This is an experiment. We have some intentions, but just like you we don’t exactly know what is going to happen. “InThisTogether” is a participatory circus show that relies on the audience in order to happen at all. If you choose to be involved, you will experience the trust, focus and joy that is so intrinsic to circus. And yes, you will share some of the risk and responsibility, too.

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Proper Mess

Proper Mess

What happens when chaos and order meet? ProperMess is a playful exploration of the clash between these polar opposites, impersonated by Mr Proper and Miss Mess. 

The result is a high energy and entertaining show that has no shortage of technique but is moved along by humour and most of all playfulness. 

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You are the Flow

You are the Flow

You are the Flow is a multidisciplinary production, as well as a jam, that relies on the viewer’s active participation.

The programme speaks to both sportsmen and the audience of contemporary art, and hopes to move each group out of its comfort zone.

The performance is deeply intended to serve evoking the so-called flow-experience with the tools and community structure of contemporary dance. 

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Proper Mess

Proper Mess

As part of the international rural touring collaboration SPARSE we’ve been invited by Sinum Theater to participate.

What happens when chaos and order meet? ProperMess is a playful exploration of the clash between these polar opposites, impersonated by Mr Proper and Miss Mess. 

The result is a high energy and entertaining show that has no shortage of technique but is moved along by humour and most of all playfulness. 

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Proper Mess

Proper Mess

What happens when chaos and order meet? ProperMess is a playful exploration of the clash between these polar opposites, impersonated by Mr Proper and Miss Mess. 

The result is a high energy and entertaining show that has no shortage of technique but is moved along by humour and most of all playfulness. 

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